May 01
Can menopause cause high cholesterol?

Menopause affects each woman differently and can cause a variety of changes in her body. Changes in hormones and metabolism during menopause can affect the fats in a woman’s blood, including cholesterol.1 Because of this alteration, menopause can cause high…Read More

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Posted in: Women's Health
Mar 06
Does osteoporosis cause hip pain?

Osteoporosis is a common bone disease that affects approximately 10 million Americans over the age of 50.1 It is more common in women, affecting almost 20% of women and nearly 5% of men.2 This disease causes your bones to weaken,…Read More

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Feb 14
Is osteoporosis genetic?

Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones, making them weaker over time and more prone to breaking. The condition does this by causing a decline in bone mass and density. In other words, the bones become thinner and more…Read More

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Jan 03
10 self-care tips for gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a common but serious condition that occurs during pregnancy. Each year, 2% to 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, it can increase the risk of pregnancy…Read More

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Oct 19
Menopause and Joint Pain

Menopause and Joint Pain Menopause is a significant milestone in every woman’s life, ushering in profound changes. While most of us brace ourselves for the expected hot flashes and occasional mood swings, joint pain often remains in the shadows. At…Read More

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Posted in: Women's Health
Dec 22
What Are the 34 Symptoms of Menopause?

Do you think you may be starting menopause? For many women, this is a tricky question to answer. The average age of menopause is 51 years old. However, symptoms of menopause may start many years before you fully stop getting…Read More

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Posted in: Women's Health
Oct 21
How To Do a Self Breast Exam

How To Do a Self Breast Exam Breast cancer can be highly treatable and has a high survival rate when caught in its early stages. Knowing how to perform a breast cancer self-exam can help you identify lumps and determine…Read More

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Sep 30
What does fibromyalgia feel like?

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that can cause great distress and reduce your quality of life. Knowing what this pain feels like can help you determine whether it’s time to see a doctor for treatment. The most common symptom of…Read More

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Apr 05
All About UTIs

Everyone in the world has to relieve themselves throughout the day. Your body is designed to process nutrients and create waste that you have to get rid of somehow. This is where your urinary tract comes in. Your bladder is…Read More

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Oct 15

Pink is in the air!  That means that it’s October which is National Breast Cancer  Awareness Month!!  We interviewed Dr Vicki Seidmeyer to learn more about how women can take care of themselves as well as their mothers, daughters and…Read More

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Posted in: Women's Health