May 18, 2017

Gout is a form of arthritis that happens when the uric acid levels in your blood get too high. Uric acid forms needle-like crystals in your joints. Commonly affected joints include your big toe, ankles, elbows, knees, wrists, and fingers.

Purine is a chemical in the body that is broken down into uric acid and then removed from the body through urine. Too much purine can lead to too much uric acid.

Though you cannot cure gout with diet changes, you can decrease the risk of gout flare-ups and long-term damage to your joints. Here are a few rules of a gout diet, including foods to avoid and foods to eat more of when you have gout.

Gout Diet

General rules for a gout diet include:

  • Limit foods high in purines
  • Eat foods known to control uric acid
  • Maintain a healthy weight and healthy eating habits


Foods to Avoid


High in purines, alcohol, and brewer’s yeast, beer can trigger gout pain.


Scallops and other seafood should be limited even when your gout is controlled. If you are having a flare-up, cut out all seafood and other meats too.


Red Meat

White meats are generally better than red meats if you struggle with gout. Red meat can be a once-in-a-while food if you want to control your gout with diet.


White meat is better than red meat, but turkey is not a good white meat choice. Avoid any wild game. Chicken is a safe meat option.


Sugary Drinks

Studies show that sugary drinks can increase the risk of gout symptoms. This includes fruit juices and soda. Some studies have found that diet soda doesn’t increase gout attacks.


Several vegetables are higher in purines. You should limit asparagus, mushrooms, spinach, and cauliflower.

Foods to Include

Some foods help to lower uric acid levels in your blood. Foods that may be good for you to eat include cherries, low-fat and nonfat milk, and foods high in vitamin C.
Before you make any diet changes, be sure to talk to your primary care doctor. If you have specific questions about your diet or are experiencing more gout flare-ups, call our office today for an appointment.


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Posted in: Gastroenterology